Why have this site
This site is owned by Steve Aikens and Gary Slider. We firmly believe in the Second Amendment, Concealed Carry and the fact that we have both a right and responsibility to take a pro-active position in our personal defense. Unfortunately, we recognize there are so many variances in our state to state laws, the average individual may have difficulty keeping up with those laws well enough to prevent them from breaking the law, especially as they travel. Since we have the ability to research those laws and create an informative Concealed Carry specific site, we have done so.
Over 21 Million Concealed Carry Holders.
We now offer T-shirts and some miscellaneous items on www.cafepress.com. You're invited to visit the store there and grab a Tee, mousepad or coffee mug with our November 2007 Map on it.
We are a Database of Information on Carrying Firearms legally for Self-Defense. As we have time, we continue to add basic, related information. However, this site is focused on Concealed Carry. That is all we will try to be.
We need your assistance. If there is a change in your state honoring other states permits/licenses, a change in laws concerning places off limits to carry or other restrictions on carry, or you find a broken link or spelling error on this site, please Contact Us so we can add it or make a correction. We want to make the information available here as correct as we can possibly make it. Thank you and Stay Safe.